"I am pregnant" is often followed by 2 questions - "How are feeling?" and "what are you craving for? Medical science doesn't have a certain answer about cravings during pregnancy. But there are some interesting theories and old wives’ tales that we will share here today.
Many of these cravings seem to come out of nowhere, and they can feel overpowering. What causes them? Hormones, right? The extreme hormonal changes women go through during pregnancy can have a huge impact on taste and smell. But the bottom line, is that no one knows for sure.
One thing we do know is that aversions and food cravings go hand in hand. For most women, pregnancy food cravings fall into just a few categories: sweet(chocolates, ice cream), spicy(Puttu with spicy beef fry or kadala), salty(pickles and achaar), fast food( Pizza or McDonalds) or occasionally sour(tamarind or raw mangoes). While some pregnancy cravings can certainly seem a bit odd, in most instances, they don't represent any real threat to mother or the baby. In an Ethiopian study, women who experienced food aversions earlier in pregnancy were more than twice as likely to crave food compared with those who didn't. Some nutritionists have said that some cravings are indicative of some nutrients missing in the diet. This, however, can change dramatically, when the craving is for a nonfood item. The condition, known as pica, can lead to an overwhelming desire to consume any number of substances, some of which can be extremely harmful to both mother and baby. Pop star Britney Spears shocked the world when she said she craved for chalk during her pregnancy. Other examples, large amounts of ice or laundry starch and dirt or clay are linked to an iron or zinc deficiency. This condition called Pica. Alternative medicine practitioners believe that a shortage of magnesium can trigger a craving for chocolate. Foods that contain magnesium include whole grains, beans, nuts, seeds, and green vegetables such as spinach.
While these may not always be true, it would be a good idea to inform your gynaecologist about what you crave for. They would suggest how you can give in to your pregnancy cravings in a healthy way. They may recommend you to a nutritionist who can help you better, especially if you have any food allergies and aversions. In the end, the experts we consulted agreed that you should pay attention to your pregnancy cravings – indulging the healthy ones and coming up with substituting the unhealthy ones with something tasty and healthy at the same time. Like raisins or low-fat frozen yogurt for when you crave for something sweet, for example. You can indulge in your cravings in moderation if your Doctor feels it will not affect your pregnancy. A healthy diet is one that meets your nutritional and your emotional needs as well as your preferences.
The golden rule during pregnancy is to eat small, healthy meals. Craving sweets is sometimes the result of a drop in blood sugar, so eating small, frequent meals may also help curb that desire to indulge in desserts. Other ways to curb unhealthy cravings: Eat breakfast every day (skipping breakfast can make cravings worse), get plenty of exercise, and make sure you have lots of emotional support.